We're Proud to Present These Amazing Speakers
Masterclass with...

Adrian Mouat
Author of 'Using Docker'
Keynote Speaker

Chris Valasek
Security Lead at Uber’s Advanced Technology Center & Renowned 'White Hat' Hacker
Masterclass with...

Fred George
Early Adopter of OO & Agile, Advocating MicroServices & Programmer Anarchy
Masterclass with...

Jacob Stenum Czepluch
Developer & Consultant at brainbot technologies
Masterclass with...

Linda Rising
Queen of patterns; author of numerous books
Keynote Speaker

Martin Thompson
High-Performance Computing Specialist, Java Champion with 25+ years of experience
Masterclass with...

Phil Winder
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"
Masterclass with...

Ray Tsang
Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform
Keynote Speaker
Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)
Author of "Clean Code" & "The Clean Coder", Co-author of the Agile Manifesto
Masterclass with...

Robert Saxby
Google Cloud Sales Engineer
Masterclass with...

Rokesh Jankie
Sales Engineer for Google Cloud
Masterclass with...

Stefan Tilkov
Co-founder & Principal Consultant at INNOQ
For further questions regarding speakers