Women & Non-Binary Community Lunch
GOTO Amsterdam 2019

Tuesday Jun 18
12:30 –

Women & Non-Binary Community Lunch

101Ways and GOTO Amsterdam are proud to invite everyone who identifies as a woman or non-binary to lunch!

We are excited to invite women in tech and non-binary attendees to a community lunch where you get to connect with other WIT and NB attendees at GOTO Amsterdam! We will share stories and experiences with each other while networking and getting to know each other over a casual standing lunch.

Tuesday we will share best practices, socialize and get to know each other.

Be inspired by Agnes Crepet, who is passionate tech activist with over 17 years of software engineering experience. She's actively involved in non-profit collectives and Tech communities, co-founded MiXiT, which has been highlighting Tech Activism initiatives and diversity. Agnes has also been co-leading Duchess France since 2010 which promotes women in IT. This association inspires and encourages women to speak at conferences or technical events, to be more visible. Agnes will be happy to tell you much more about all the amazing projects she is involved with.

This lunch is happening on both Tuesday and Wednesday, each day with a different agenda.

Come as you are and leave with new friends!

Please grab your lunch from the exhibition hall and bring it to Graanbeurszaal to attend!