JavaScript runs in every web browser, tablet and smartphone on the planet. It’s used to create all kinds of applications, from business productivity tools to social media apps and online games. Modern JavaScript is a flexible, powerful development platform – but it’s a platform that comes with a dizzying array of standards, frameworks and tools. From the dark days of document.layers , through jQuery and prototype, to modern ecosystems like React and vueJS, developers have long relied on frameworks and libraries when it comes to building client-side components and systems using JavaScript.
With modern JavaScript, you don’t need to. Technologies like web components, custom elements and the shadow DOM are natively supported by over 90% of browsers, and using these technologies, we can create lightweight, responsive web components that leverage modern browsers’ native APIs to deliver blisteringly fast performance.
Target Audience: This workshop is aimed at software professionals with some web development experience. You don’t need to be a JavaScript expert - if you’re comfortable editing code in a text editor, you know what document.getElementById does, and you can write some basic HTML, you should be able to pick up the rest as we go.
Attendees will need a laptop running a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge). For the sections of the workshop based on SASS/SCSS, Webpack, and Babel, you will need a nodeJS v16 or higher runtime - instructions will be provided on installing this if you don’t already have it set up.