Adam Tornhill
Speaker at GOTO Amsterdam 2022

Author of Your Code as a Crime Scene

  • Founder and CTO at CodeScene
  • Has written the popular Lisp for the Web tutorial and self-published a book on Patterns in C
  • Professional developer for 25 years

Talks at GOTO Amsterdam 2022

Masterclasses at GOTO Amsterdam 2022

Adam Tornhill is a programmer who combines degrees in engineering and psychology. He is the founder and CTO of the CodeScene SaaS platform. CodeScene is solving the trillion dollar challenge of technical debt. CodeScene is fully automated, and presents innovative visual insights that are accessible to the whole organization. He's also the author of Your Code as a Crime Scene, has written the popular Lisp for the Web tutorial, and self-published a book on patterns in C.

Adam’s other interests include modern history, music, and martial arts.

Check out some of Adam’s past talks:

A few of Adam’s books: