Lieven Vandersypen
TU Delft
Speaker at GOTO Amsterdam 2019

Talks at GOTO Amsterdam 2019

Lieven Vandersypen is a professor of Quantum Nanoscience at TU Delft, co-founder of QuTech and co-director of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TU Delft, the Netherlands. A graduate of KU Leuven, he received his PhD from Stanford University for the first experiments in quantum computing. His group in Delft pioneered the control and read-out of single electron spins in semiconductor quantum dot arrays. With his QuTech colleagues, he currently focuses on taking the field to the next level, where exploratory physics goes hand in hand with high-level hardware and software engineering. In 2015, his group started a close collaboration with Intel, and he took a part-time appointment with Intel Corporation.