Tuesday Jun 18
10:30 –

Boost your API Development with GraphQL & Prisma


Prisma is the data layer for modern applications. It replaces traditional ORMs in your application architecture and simplifies various database workflows, such as data modelling, migrations and realtime data streaming. In this talk, we will start from scratch and explore how Prisma works. Going from just a simple data model, we'll add relations and learn about various features of the Prisma API, such as filtering, ordering, pagination and realtime capabilities. As a final step, we'll see how Prisma can be used to simplify the implementation of GraphQL resolvers and end up with a fully-fledged GraphQL server.

What will the audience learn from this talk?
The audience will learn the fundamentals of GraphQL server development as well as the benefits GraphQL brings to an architecture stack.

Does it feature code examples and/or live coding?

Prerequisite attendee experience level:
Level 300
